Sing a Song
The Matzah Making Song
(Tune: “Row, row, row your boat”)
Roll, roll, roll your dough (one hand palm up, other hand above it, palm down making circular motions).
Make it nice and round (make a circle with fingers).
Make it flat (one hand palm up, slap other hand down on it),
Poke lots of holes (one hand palm up, with your fingers on the other hand pretend to poke holes in palm up hand),
And bake it till it’s brown (both hands palm up, touching on sides, move forward, as if putting a tray in the oven).
PBS Learning Media – Passover
Try This
Make some of these toddler-friendly Passover snacks!
Read a Book
Here are two book recommendations for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries
- Passover: Festival of Freedom by Monique Polak
- My First Passover Board Book by Clare Lister
Explore More
See the April Activity Calendar for many more fun, educational activities you and your child can do anytime!